INS Vagir, the fifth stealth Scorpene-class submarine of the Indian Navy, was commissioned into the Indian Navy at which naval dockyard on 23 January 2023?
How many children have been conferred with the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) for the year 2023?
Union Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan successfully tested the Made In India Mobile Operating system developed by IIT Madras on 24 January 2023. Name the Operating system?
At which place the biennial tri-services amphibious exercise, AMPHEX 2023 was held from 17 to 22 January 2023?
What was the theme of National Voters’ Day 2023?
In the 12th Session of the FAO's Intergovernmental Technical Working Group (ITWG) on Animal Genetic Resources, India was elected as Vice-Chair and represented Asia & Pacific region. Where was the 12th session of FAO’s ITWG on Animal Genetic Resources held in January 2023?
On which day the Ministry of Women & Child Development celebrated the National Girl Child Day 2023?
Who has been honored with the Roll of Distinguished Philatelist (RDP) Award for 2023 from Patna?
Bihar's Ganga Jal Aaporti Yojana and Gayaji Dam won which national awards for best implementation of water resources projects?
Indian Navy’s major maritime exercise TROPEX-23 culminated in which Sea in March 2023?