Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021
⇒ Recently, Parliament passed the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021.
The bill seeks to replace over 90-year-old Lighthouse Act 1927, to incorporate the global best practices, technological developments and India’s International obligations in the field of Marine Aids to Navigation.
The bill provides:
- For the development, maintenance and management of aids to navigation in India;
- For training and certification of operator of aids to navigation, development of its historical, educational and cultural value;
- To ensure compliance with the obligation under the maritime treaties and international instruments to which India is a party.
The administration and management of Lighthouse and Lightships in India is governed by Lighthouse Act 1927 for safe navigation.
At the time of enactment of Lighthouse Act 1927:
- Only 32 Lighthouses in the then British India spread across six regions viz., Aden, Karachi, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta and Rangoon
- Post-Independence, 17 Lighthouses came under the administrative control of India
- Presently, there are 195 Lighthouses and number of advanced radio and digital aids to navigation administered under the said Act
Need for enactment of a new Act:
Necessitated to provide an appropriate statutory framework which reflects the modern role of marine aids to navigation and to be in compliance with India’s obligations under International Conventions.
The new Act will facilitate harmonized and effective functioning of aids to marine navigation and Vessel Traffic Services along the Indian coastline.
Benefits include:
» Improved Legal Framework for Matters related to Aids to Navigation & Vessel Traffic Services and covers the future developments in the field of Marine Navigation.
» Management of ‘Vessel Traffic Services’ for enhancing the safety and efficiency of shipping and to protect environment.
» Skill development through Training and Certification for the operators of ‘Aids to Navigation’ and ‘Vessel Traffic Services’ at par with International standards.
» Auditing and Accreditation of Institutes to cater to the need of Training and Certification at par with global standards.
» Marking of “Wreck” in general waters to identify sunken / stranded vessels for safe and efficient navigation.
» Development of Lighthouses for the purpose of education, culture and tourism, which would tap the tourism potential of coastal regions and contribute to their economy.
The Constitution (Schedule Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill 2021
⇒ Recently, Parliament passed The Constitution (Schedule Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill 2021.
» The Bill seeks to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 in PART XVIII, to modify the list of Scheduled Tribes in relation to the State of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Bill Provides:
- The bill was brought in to remove the Abor tribe from the list of STs in the state.
- The Bill also seeks to include ‘Mishmi-Kaman (Miju Mishmi)’, ‘Idu (Mishmi)’ and ‘Taraon (Digaru Mishmi)’ in serial no 8 in lieu of ‘Mishmi, Idu, Taroan’ in the list.
- It also provides for the inclusion of ‘Monpa’, ‘Memba’, ‘Sartang’, ‘Sajolang (Miji)’ in serial no 9 in lieu of ‘Momba’ in the list.
- In lieu of any Naga tribes, Nocte, Tangsa, Tutsa and Wancho tribes have been included in the list under serial no 10.
- The bill also seeks to replace Tai Khamti instead of Khampti at serial no 6 in the list.
'Directed Energy Deposition process'
⇒ Indian Scientists have for the first time repaired aero-engine components through emerging additive manufacturing or 3D printing technique called Directed Energy Deposition process that can significantly reduce repair costs and overhaul time.
They indigenously made powders suitable for the additive manufacturing process called the Directed Energy Deposition process.
Developed by:
A team of scientists from the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI), an autonomous R&D Centre of Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India, indigenously has developed powders.
The powder is suitable for additive manufacturing using inert gas atomizer available at ARCI by melting unused scrap material.
Utilising this, ARCI is developing the Laser-DED process for the repair of aero-engine components made of Ni-based superalloy.
Gallantry Awards to Army personnel
⇒ The President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind has presented gallantry awards to Army personnel on the occasion of 75th Independence Day 2021.
Official Link to Download Honors and Awards List
Four day long “India-ASEAN Engineering Partnership Summit”
⇒ Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Ms Anupriya Patel inaugurated the four day long “India-ASEAN Engineering Partnership Summit” on 24 August 2021.
Organized by:
The summit was organized by the Engineering Exports Promotion Council (EEPC) with the support from Ministry of External Affairs and Department of Commerce.
Partner and Focus State:
The Government of Tamil Nadu joined the event as “Partner State” while Government of Haryana as “Focus State”.
The summit was focused on collaborations in engineering sector. The summit offers an important platform for engagement of Indian industry on India-ASEAN partnership in engineering trade and investments.
The summit also covered B2B meetings, interactions etc. The thematic sessions covered a range of topics including country sessions, and emerging areas of cooperation like Industry 4.0, integration of MSME in the regional value chain.
Addressing the inaugural session, the Union Minister of State for Commerce & Industry Ms. Anupriya Patel said:
» ASEAN, with over 15 percent share in India’s global engineering shipment, is likely to be a key region to focus with a target of around USD 16 billion of exports for 2021-22.
» As one of the largest destinations for Indian exports, ASEAN will be an important region for India with an export target of US$ 46 billion in meeting the global export target of US$ 400 billion in financial year 2021-22.
» ASEAN as a region is the third largest export destination of Indian engineering products after EU and North America.
This year was special for both partners as it marks the 25th anniversary of India-ASEAN dialogue partnership and 10 years of the Strategic Partnership.