World Press Freedom Index 2021 has been released on 20 April 2021 for 180 countries. It is published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international journalism not-for profit body.
The report categorized 132 countries as ‘very bad’, ‘bad’ or ‘problematic’.
This is the fifth year, Norway ranked at topped in the index.
Rank of India:
In the World Press Freedom Index 2021 report, India retains 142 ranks out of 180 countries. India has been ranked in the ‘bad’ category, along with Brazil, Mexico and Russia.
Ranking of Some Countries:
Top Three Countries:
Norway- Rank 1
Finland- Rank 2
Sweden- Rank 3
Bottom Three Countries:
Turkmenistan- Rank 178
North Korea- Rank 179
Eritrea- Rank 180
Rankings of South Asian neighbourhood countries of India: