Human Development Index is the measure of a nation’sthree dimensions ‘long & healthy life’, ‘knowledge’, and ‘a decent standard of living’. Human Development Index report is released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Rank Of India:
2020 human development index report has been released. In this report, India has been ranked 131 with the HDI value of 0.645 for 2019, & Life expectancy of Indians at birth in 2019 was 69.7 years. India has been ranked in medium human development category out of 189 countries and territories.
In 2018, India was ranked 130 in Human Development Index report.
Ranking for Some Other Countries in 2020 Human Development Index report:
Norway (1), Ireland (2), Switzerland (2), United States (17), China (85), Russian Federation (52), United Kingdom (13), Bhutan (129), Bangladesh (133), Nepal (142), Pakistan (154), Chad (187), Central African Republic (188), Niger (189)