The State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2020 has been released by the Ministry of Power.
Developed by:
The State Energy Efficiency Index 2020 has been jointly developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
About SEE Index:
The SEE index assesses States in four categories:
- Aspirant with a score below 30 points
- Contenders with score between 30-49.5
- Achievers with score of 50-60
- Front Runners with above 60 points score
The maximum score for the SEEI 2020 is 100.
The State Energy Efficiency Index 2020 assesses the performance of the 36 states and UTs in energy efficiency using 68 qualitative, quantitative, and outcome-based indicators, across six sectors.
These six sectors are Buildings, Industry, Municipalities, Transport, Agriculture & DISCOMs and Cross Sector.
Key Highlights:
- Karnataka is the top performing state followed by Rajasthan and Haryana at the second and third positions.
- Two states namely, Karnataka and Rajasthan are included in the ‘Front runner’ category.
- There are 6 states in the ‘Achiever’ category. The other top performers are Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, all in the ‘Achiever’ category. The number of states in the ‘Achiever’ category has increased from three in SEEI 2019 to six in SEEI 2020.
- There are four states in the ‘Contender’ category: Assam, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
- Twenty-seven states and UTs have improved their scores from SEEI 2019, of which 7 states have improved by more than 10 points.
- The Most Improved States are Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
For peer comparison of states’ performance, states are grouped based on their Total Final Energy Consumption (TFEC) – Group 1 states are those with the highest TFEC and Group 4 states those with the lowest TFEC.
The states’ scores in SEEI 2020 are shown below.

The first such Index, State Energy Efficiency Preparedness Index 2018, was launched on 1 August 2018.