A Learner's Choice
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the 16th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention 2021, on 09 January 2021. It was held in virtual mode in New Delhi.
The theme of 16th PBD Convention 2021 is ‘Contributing to Aatmanirbhar Bharat‘.
It was started with the Inaugural Session. This year, the third edition of Bharat ko Janiye Quiz 2020-21 has been held virtually from 30 September to 28 December 2020. Fifteen winners of the Bharat ko Janiye Quiz were announced during the PBD convention.
After the Inaugural session, two virtual Plenary sessions was held on the theme of:
(i) Role of Diaspora in Aatmanirbhar Bharat, and (ii) ‘Facing Post Covid Challenges’ – Scenario in Health, Economy, Social and International Relations.
Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan chaired the plenary session on the theme of ‘Challenges of Post COVID’.
The finale was the Valedictory Session. The Hon’ble President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind delivered his valedictory address to mark the occasion of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas. During the Session, the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards were conferred by the Hon’ble President.
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards are conferred to select Indian diaspora members to recognize their achievements and honor their contributions to various fields both in India and abroad.
The Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award (PBSA) is the highest honour conferred on overseas Indians.
S. No. | Name | Country | Field |
1 | NGO Cultural Diversity for Peaceful Future | Armenia | Promoting Indian Culture |
2 | Dr. Rajani Chandra D’Mello | Azerbaijan | Medicine |
3 | Mr. Baburajan Vava Kalluparambil Gopalan | Bahrain | Community Service |
4 | Mrs. Jamal Ahmad | Botswana | Business |
5 | Mr. Janakiraman Ravikumar | Cameroon | Closer ties with India |
6 | H.E. Mr. Eugene Rhuggenaath | Curacao (The Netherlands) | Public Service |
7 | Mr. Debashish Chaudhuri | Czech Republic | Art and Culture |
8 | Mr. Mohammed Husein Hasanali Sardharwala | Ethiopia | Business |
9 | Sai Prema Foundation | Fiji | Community Service |
10 | Dr. Balasubramanian Ramani | Germany | Education |
11 | Mr. Lal Lokumal Chellaram | Hong Kong | Community Service |
12 | Dr. (Prof.) Muralidhar Miryala | Japan | Science & Technology |
13 | Mr. Rajib Shaw | Japan | Education |
14 | Mr. Salil Panigrahi | Maldives | Tourism |
15 | Dr. Ravi Prakash Singh | Mexico | Science & Technology |
16 | Hon. Ms. Priyanca Radhakrishnan | New Zealand | Public Service |
17 | Indian Cultural Association (ICA) | Nigeria | Community Service |
18 | Dr. Mohan Thomas Lazarus Pakalomattom | Qatar | Medicine |
19 | Mr. Jean Regis Ramsamy | Reunion (France) | Media & Community Service |
20 | Mr. Siddeek Ahmed | Saudi Arabia | Business |
21 | Dr. Anil Kumar Chotalal Mithani | Sudan | Medicine |
22 | H.E. Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi | Suriname | Public Service |
23 | Dr. Shachi Gurumayun | Switzerland | Bio-tech Agronomy |
24 | Mr. Vashdev Tikamdas Purswani | Thailand | Business |
25 | Mr. Resham Singh Sandhu | UK | Public Service |
26 | Mr. Arvind Phukan | USA | Environment Technology |
27 | Ms. Nilu Gupta | USA | Promoting Indian Culture |
28 | Federation of Indian Associations NY, NJ & CT | USA | Community Service |
29 | Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda | USA | Medicine |
30 | Dr. Mukesh Aghi | USA/ Singapore | Business |